What to Do When the Weather Gets Bad and You’re Driving
Weather can be unpredictable at times, and try as you might to stay on top of it, you’re not always able to watch the radar. Sometimes, you’re so engrossed in work that you don’t get a chance to turn on the news or check the weather app on your phone.
When it comes time to leave, you’re stuck driving in less than favorable conditions. It’s probably not the first time this has happened nor will it be the last. The most important thing to remember when driving through a hailstorm is safety first!
Tips for Driving in Bad Weather
If you don’t have any choice but to drive when there is a bad storm, you’re not alone. Many people are already on the road when lightning, thunder, and hail occur. Here are some things you can do when the weather gets bad and you’re driving:
Slow it down. Everyone is in just as big of hurry to get home as you are. That’s why accidents happen. Pay attention to the road in front of you and turn your flashers on so people can see your vehicle in heavy fog or rain. If you must creep along at 10 mph, so be it. It’s better than causing an accident because you’re being neglectful.
Don’t tailgate. Make sure that you put at least a car length of distance between your auto and other vehicles. That way if someone in front of you breaks suddenly, you’ll have plenty of time to brake safely.
If you hydroplane, turn into the skid. If you suddenly lose control of your car, remove your foot from the brake and gas pedal. Turn into the direction that your vehicle is skidding. It allows the car to correct itself and straighten out.
These basic tips can help you arrive safely to your destination. They will not, however, prevent damage to your vehicle if there is heavy hail. The only way you can keep your car, truck, van or SUV from being dented and dinged is not to drive when the weather is bad.
Pull Over to Prevent Injuries
If you’re driving and the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worst, pull over to the side of the road with your flashers on or pull into a parking lot and wait for the storm to pass. Even the smallest size hail can injure a person by shattering the windshield of your vehicle. It’s always best to take cover until the brunt of the storm is over.
Contact the Insurance Company Right Away to File a Claim
In the event you do have hail damage on your car, truck, van or SUV, you’ll want to contact your insurance company right away to file a claim. Expediting the process helps you get the money that you need to make necessary repairs without impeding on your life too much. The insurance company may even arrange for you to rent a car while repairs are being made to yours.
Have the Auto Dent Specialists Repair the Vehicle
Once the adjustor has come out to assess the damage and the check has been cut by the insurance company, you’ll want to bring your automobile to Auto Dent Specialists. We’re give you an estimate of repairs costs for Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and help you figure out your deductible.

Get Help Paying Your Deductible
If you can’t afford out-of-pocket costs because you have a big deductible, we’ll help you take care of the expense. Our Deductible Forgiveness Program takes up to $500 off a qualified repair. That means that you’ll have to pay far less than what you anticipated with our assistance.
What Sets Us Apart from Other Auto Body Shops
The Auto Dent Specialists go above and beyond to make sure our customers’ needs are being met. That’s why we train our technicians so they’re proficient at doing PDR. They know what it takes to remove dents quickly and safely from a vehicle.
They possess the tools and training to do so without further damaging your car, truck, van or SUV. That’s why it’s important to go to an auto body shop opposed to trying to do the repair yourself. If you do a repair incorrectly, there is a good possibility it will cost you even more money to fix.
Our Work is Guaranteed
We guarantee our work and keep hours that other auto body shops don’t. If you work during the day and have evenings off, you can still bring your vehicle to us. If you can’t get your auto to us until the weekend, don’t worry because we’re open Saturdays and Sundays, too.
Don’t hesitate to bring your hail damaged vehicle to us. We’re here to assist you with your request and to get your car, truck, van or SUV looking new once again. We restore the manufacturer’s warranty which gives you greater options.